Thursday 17 September 2020

Which one is sadder?

It was in the middle of August, when a friend texted me, out of nowhere all of sudden asking "which one is sadder" along with a pic of some lines on a white background that tells the correlations of each line. 

Which one is sadder?
How am i supposed to pick something terrible like that:( Both are such a tragedy and indeed saddd. I could cry a river thinking about sadness and how life sometimes happens to be like a tragedy. Sad stories that's actually not a story but reality. 
First, the parallel lines that have a lot in common but they never meet really sadden me. Imagine, someone outhere might be ur twins in personality, hobby, thoughts, point of view, ect. But sadly you dont even know that person exist at all. You never feel his or her presence. someone who might also looking for us, someone who has so much in common with them. Have you ever felt like longing for someone or something, like the unexplainable feeling of missing someone you never met or somewhere you never visited. It feels strange but the feeling is true. Maybe it's like some complex connection of the universe telling us that we are looking for someone who has so much in common with us but we are just not destined to be met for some good reason.

And then the pair of lines that meet once then drift apart forever really stab me like i cant handle this. This one is sadder.
Imagine a couple that used to live together, sharing stories, telling stuff one another, exchanging opinnion, laughing together but actually never meant to be:( they had stories back then, very romantic but then came reality, something happened. They split up with tons of good memories that stays within their soul. How sad it is to imagine such tragedies. You just cant forget about someone and the memories u had with them. Being awake at 3 am and thinking how u couldn't be or end up with someone u thought are special really is suck. It's gonna hit u like a blast in ur consciousness and would leave a deep wound that stays forever. U just couldnt erase ur memories. It'll haunt you till forever.

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