Saturday 19 September 2020

Representing UNICEF Jordan, Education and Children

Few weeks ago, in the middle of my exam week I joined MUN conference, and I was representing Jordan and my council was UNICEF. It's a pleasure to represent Jordan, back then when I was in highschool I kinda obsessed with Petra, an archaelogical site in Jordan's Southwestern desert. This place also appeared on Transformers movie by the way. I wonder how could people back then built such an amazing palace, carved a rock and turned it into temples and even palaces. Sometimes I want to travel back in times just to visit historical places and get to know how actually people live in the ancient times. 

Okay back to the topic, let's talk about something serious ehe:) Jordan, UNICEF, and children. As we all know, UNICEF works on the importance of humanitarian and developmental aid to children. And Jordan plays an important role in promoting children’s education and rights on a global scale, including helping child refugees from the neighboring countries in the Middle East.

In my opinion, without adequate access to education, we cannot build an ideal and safe society to help the children reach their potential. Children deserve to live in a safe, peaceful, and inclusive environment. How about Jordan's Government? Jordan has made significant improvements for children and their well-being over the years. But children from poor families and displaced children from the neighboring countries are still at risk. 

Therefore, efforts in protecting children’s rights must focus on quality education, empowering a safe environment for the children, and promoting a world peace especially towards the neighboring countries. all children have the right to be protected from violence, exploitation and abuse. With this concern, I think we all should work together to provide a safe and adequate quality of education for the children especially those who are at risk.

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