Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Ramadan day 30

Last day of this year Ramadan. I feelsboth sad and happy, sad of getting apart with the holy month of Ramadan. Happy because I can spend times with my parents, my family, reunited with old friends and take some rest from the heavy load of college stuff (this one is not so true:") still have assignments and gonna face finals really soon) make dua for me, please?
In Saudi, Europe, and UK today's eid already. But in indonesia, australia, new zealand, malaysia, singapore and other asean countries  will celebrate eid on wednesday, june 5th 2019, which mean tomorrow. Alhamdulillah. Allah hu Akbar allahuakbar allahuakbar laa illa haillallahu allahu akbar allahu akbar walillahilham. 
And now im helping my mum preparing all the snacks and nastar and kastangle and putrisalju. Alhamdulillah. Also there's an eid celebration parade right in front of my house (di depan rumah jalan raya soalnya wkwk) all people looks so happy praising Allah and the kids all roaming around the town echoing takbeer and beating the bedug (drum). MashaAllah what a vibe♥
I am forever grateful for all the bless Allah has sent to me. Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamiin. In this day 30 of Ramadan this year, I pray may Allah give us all more ramadans in the years ahead.
O Allah please give us the chance to meet ramadan next year. Aamiin.

Eid mubarak everyone! May u don't spoil kuah opor on your dress hehe xD cheers! Love u always.