Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Growing up

I don't mind a lot of things these days. Perhaps this is what my mom right about, she told me what actually grow up is. But yea I never admit being older is a must. I have homesickness about something I can not return. The nostalgia, the memory, the yearning, and the lost place in the past. My words got frozen within my lungs and I believe that my thoughts are deadly. There's lot of wishes and dreams about the future.
The person I want to be, the places I want to go, the books I want to read, the things I want to draw, the words I want to write, the people I want to meet, the moments I want to enjoy, the friends I want to be with, the stars I want to stare, the imaginations I want to wonder, the knowledge I want to learn, and more things I want to know. 

Time doesn't like me so much and so do I. I hate it for being so cruel, but there is one thing we liked about each other. We're never stopping. And I just realize, Im no longer a toddler. Im already 18 now. And yea, I can't replay nor visit my childhood, yet it just remain a sweet and pleasant memories to remember.  

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Thought about being an introvert (INFP)

I love being in solitude, it made me free as well, let my thought think what it want. Keep away from crowded just make me  feel 10000X better. I don’t know why do I feel strange when I was in crowded, often I feel exhausted and tired. I really need solitude just to recharge my energy, take away the bad feelings, and make my soul back in peace. Well, Im an introvert and solitude is a kind of my daily needed lol. I want to be alone about 75% of the time and get rid of people. Im sorry about people around me, maybe they thought Im a selfish, a big head, a freak or something. But honestly Im nothing like that. I do care about anything around me and everything, I just never mention it. I kept them in my mind. Im a very private person, yet Im an open book. If you don’t ask, I won’t tell hehe.

And for pople who called me freak, well I loved being a freak, thanks yall for called me a freak hehe (yeay Im a freak). I think you guys just didn’t get the real meaning of a “freak”. I think being a freak is a classy thing u know haha (nonsense). Sometimes I got overwhelmed about my feeling and drown into my thought. And yea I freak my self out. I’ve always been half out of my shell and half in sometimes. I can be extremely wild and sometimes I can be extremely shy it just depends on the day. I have galaxies growing inside me hehe!

Im an INFP and I have never dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul. I’ve always overthinking about everything and everyone, but I don’t want to talk about it, not to anyone. None. no one at all. i just want to think about it on my own, bcs it is mine and none else’s [mysterious]. Thats why I might look like a selfish, have no care about people or my circumstance. And back again, I do really care but I would never mention it.

I liked to keep my thought in my head and just for me. Maybe people would think I don’t get my self. Well, honestly I do really know who I was, but somehow my personality always got lost somewhere between my heart and my mouth. And I found my self saying the wrong thing or more often nothing at all.

I was an iceberg
With just the tip of my thought
Coming out of my mouth
And the rest kept up in my head

Im so in love with that poem, it was sooo me. you would lose ur mind if you're trying to understand me. Even me, I've always confused and overwhelmed when deciding thing about my feeling. Did u guys (INFPs) got the same feelings like me too? 
And I really love being an introvert so much. It’s like I have my own self controll that navigating me. whenever I want to judge people or do something bad or show off my ideas or speak up my ability, in the end I finally kept them inside my head and tell people nothing at all.

I loved deep talking with someone who got me. I often deep talked with my friend, she was an introvert too, she was an INFJ. We talked about how much we really love our self lol and enjoy a lot being an introvert. We loved reading books (at this time motivational books hehe) we just tried to make ourself cooler ,fangirl, and freak out our self-_-, talk about ideas, education, and many more deep things. And yea we called our self “a great soul” lmao. We even compliment our self (nonsense). Being an introvert is a bless, I thought. Well, being an extrovert is a bless too of course. It just the matter of perspective about how we see something or pattern. I also have a few extrovert friends who could I enjoy deep talk with.